IFI in the news…

  • Native BioData Consortium Awarded $2 Million
    Native BioData Consortium which is led by Indigenous biomedical scientists and governed by a board and community advisory group that includes tribal experts in precision health, technology, law, policy, business, ethics, and cultural matters—will receive $2 million to use health data for quality-of-life improvement and to ensure that advances in genetics and health research benefit … Read more
  • Eia Hawaiʻi: Introduction to (Re)Generations: Challenging Scientific Racism in Hawaiʻi
    Apr 27, 2021 12:30 PM HST Register here. This virtual presentation by co-curators Jillian Swift and Dr. Keolu Fox (IFI) of (Re)Generations exhibition at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum will introduce the major themes of the exhibit, the ideas behind it, and the untold stories about its creation.
  • REOCCUPYING DESIGN – a Talk by Dr. David Fortin (Métis)
    Wednesday, May 5, 12-1:30pm PSTRegister at usp.ucsd.edu This talk will discuss the colonial premise forcontemporary forms of urban life and thepossibilities for Indigenous agency within thiscontext. The fantasy of property is presentedas central to a detached relationship with theLand that presents significant challenges foralternative futures. Hosted by the UCSD Department of Urban Studies and Planning, … Read more
  • Congratulations to Dr. Keolu Fox!
    Dr. Keolu Fox was awarded the MIT Solve 2020 Indigenous Communities Fellowship for this project “Safeguarding Indigenous Genomics.” Read more about Dr. Foxʻs project here!